This is Emergency Services as its Defined on a Community Services Boards' Web Site

Emergency Services/Crisis Counseling is a State mandated program. This unit provides short-term crisis counseling and referrals to individuals on an emergency basis. Emergency and crisis response services include: telephone interventions; face-to-face assessments and evaluation (including pre-admission screening); psychiatric consultation and other clinical consultation about mental health, substance abuse, and special populations which include children, adolescents, geriatric, people with mental retardation, and individuals involved in the forensic system. Emergency Services/Crisis Counseling is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Everything on this website has been thoroughly examined, reviewed, evaluated, and ultimately approved by The Citizens’ Committee for the Advancement of Rational Thought and Actions in Virginia's Mental Health System….

Things Sure Aren't What They Used to be..Conditions Sure Have Changed

coming soon........

Thursday, July 19, 2007

When a Hospital Says They Don't Have a Bed... What does That Mean?

Hmmm. Good question.
(1) There is a patient in every bed that's in the hospital.
(2) There are empty beds but no staff to cover them. What the heck does that mean? Well, there has to be a certain ratio between staff and patients....sooooo, if a hospital is low on staff, they will not be able to admit more patients even though they have empty beds.
(3) This is a good one. We have lots of staff, in fact, they are falling all over each other....and we have a thousand beds....but, we have no doctors to admit. Where are the doctors? Not sure...on vacation maybe....don't feel like taking anymore patients...who knows. Isn't there anyone in charge at hospitals? You know, someone who runs the day-to-day operation of the hospital? You would think so.... Why doesn't that person hire more doctors? That would seem logical, wouldn't it? Hey, sometimes we just can't look for logic, can we?

Let's see. I own a Chevrolet dealership. I'm looking out over the lot. People are streaming in wanting to buy a car....and, there aren't enough salesmen to wait on them. People are streaming in and then leaving going to other dealerships to buy cars. And, I'm just going to sit there? Sure. You bet I'd get some salesmen in there....right away.

Obviously, the hospitals operate in a little different way.....