This is Emergency Services as its Defined on a Community Services Boards' Web Site

Emergency Services/Crisis Counseling is a State mandated program. This unit provides short-term crisis counseling and referrals to individuals on an emergency basis. Emergency and crisis response services include: telephone interventions; face-to-face assessments and evaluation (including pre-admission screening); psychiatric consultation and other clinical consultation about mental health, substance abuse, and special populations which include children, adolescents, geriatric, people with mental retardation, and individuals involved in the forensic system. Emergency Services/Crisis Counseling is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Everything on this website has been thoroughly examined, reviewed, evaluated, and ultimately approved by The Citizens’ Committee for the Advancement of Rational Thought and Actions in Virginia's Mental Health System….

Things Sure Aren't What They Used to be..Conditions Sure Have Changed

coming soon........

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Who Needs to be in a Psychiatric Hospital? This is Different from Who is Actually in Them......

My opinion. Who needs to be in a psychiatric hospital?
The seriously mentally ill who have decompensated. Yes, these are the folks who have possibly stopped taking their medication and are exhibiting psychotic symptoms. They could be hearing voices, seeing things, delusional, and so on. Folks are seen on a regular basis who are receiving messages, sometimes through the radio and the TV...people who know that the FBI and CIA are after them, people who think they are God, and so on.
Though, sadly, there are many folks out there who have what we generally call fixed delusions; that is, delusions that just seem to never leave; for many mentally ill people the symptoms exacerbate themselves when they stop taking their medication.
These folks need hospitalization so that their medication can be regulated and possibly adjusted, modified or changed, in the hopes of having their symptoms diminish so that they'll be able to function outside of the hospital environment.
Anyone else who needs to be in a psychiatric hospital? Yes.
Sadly, some folks become so depressed, so emotionally devastated, that they are no longer able to function. Often times they have stopped bathing, stopped eating, and not unusually, never getting out of bed....sleep all the time...never sleep....and so on. Then there are the folks who may have had an event in their life: death of a spouse, or family member...or possibly an ongoing battle with depression.....separation from a loved-one or spouse, loss of a job, the threat of becoming homeless...and so on.
These folks also may benefit from being in a hospital, in the hopes of getting them going again.